The 31st Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association (GSA) will be held in collaboration with other stakeholders at the University of Cape Coast as follows:
THEME: Promoting Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Growth and Development
The programme will feature plenary and scientific sessions, exhibitions, biennial general meeting, excursions and a dinner dance. The Scientific Sessions will cover all aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Plenary Sessions:
The following topics will feature during the plenary sessions:
- Highlights of Ghana’s STI Policy
- Science Education in Ghana through inclusivity, equity and equality
- Bio-resources and Nuclear Technology for Sustainable Development of Industrial Feed-stock, Food, Agriculture and Energy
- Urbanization and its Challenges – Human Nutrition and Health
- Environmental Monitoring and Remediation for Sustainability of Livelihoods
Scientific Sessions:
The scientific sessions will run concurrently in the following groupings:
- Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Biological, Medical and Veterinary Sciences
- Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- Poster Presentations
Those wishing to participate are requested to indicate so by completing the attached Registration form and return same to the Scientific Coordinator by 15TH JULY 2019.
Alternatively, you could pay into Ghana Science Association’s Account No. 1031130000385 at Ghana Commercial Bank, Legon Branch and present the pay-in-slip to GSA Secretariat, Airport Residential Area /Accra or at the registration desk. You could also E-mail the scanned copy to gsasecretariat@gmail.com
Participants wishing to present are kindly requested to submit via the internet or to the GSA Secretariat a soft copy of their abstracts together with a commitment fee of One Hundred Ghana cedis (GH¢100.00) to the Secretariat not later than 25th June 2019. The commitment fee, either in cash or Cheque, payable in the name of Ghana Science Association, would guarantee one’s accepted abstract(s) to be published in the book of abstracts. This amount shall be considered as part payment of registration fee for the conference. Please Note that late Abstracts will NOT be entertained.
Full texts for papers could be submitted as from 15th August 2019.
(Note: Accepted conference papers will be refereed and published in the Journal of the Ghana Science Association). Authors should strictly conform to guidelines contained in the accompanying instructions to authors.
The following format should be strictly adhered to in submitting abstracts:-
- Title of Paper in Capitals and Centered
- Name(s) and Full Address(es) of Author(s)
- E-mail Address and Telephone Number of corresponding Author
- Name of Institution should be written in full and not abbreviated
- Abstracts should not exceed 250 words
- Abstracts should be done using Microsoft Word and sent via email to gsasecretariat@gmail.com
- Abstracts should be one and half line spaced and must include: (1) Objective (2) Methodology (3) Results (4) Conclusion.
- Participants wishing to present posters/exhibits should indicate to the GSA Secretariat not later than 25TH JUNE 2019. Please note that the opportunity to do oral presentation will be based on first come first served.
The editorial office requires a soft copy of a paper, preferably in a Microsoft Word format, previously unpublished, complete with title, name(s) and address(es) of author(s) and abstract of not more than 250 words in English. Manuscripts should be typed (using Times New Roman font, size 12) double-spaced. Pages must be numbered, beginning from the Title Page. Unless otherwise stated, the first named author of a joint publication will be taken as the corresponding author. Please provide phone numbers and e-mail. Manuscripts should be sent to the email: gsasecretariat@gmail.com
Text Preparation
The structure of the main text should be in the following order: 1. Introduction, 2. Method, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, and 5. Conclusion. These headings should be typed in lowercase but boldface (left aligned) and numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Subsections of these (except conclusion) should be numbered, e.g., 1.1 (heading typed normal) and 1.1.1 (heading typed in italics), etc. for further subsections. The above order should be followed by Acknowledgements and References.
The abstract should be typed in block, i.e., without paragraphs or subdivisions; and should give a comprehensive summary of the paper. It should be able to stand by itself and should incorporate objective, methodology results and conclusion. Keywords are not required.
References should be given in the text by indicating author(s) and year of publication. When a reference is part of a sentence it should be cited as: Menyeh and O’Reilly, (1991); Menyeh et al. (1997), but when it is inserted within a sentence it should be: (Menyeh and O’Reilly, 1991); (Menyeh et al., 1997), etc. Only references cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order (with names of all contributors, not, for example, Menyeh et al…) at the end of the paper.
In other words, references which are not cited in the text cannot be listed.
The following are examples:
Book Reference: [In the following order: Name of author(s), year of publication, title of book, publisher, place of publication and the numbers for the referenced pages, e.g., “O’Reilly, W. (1984). Rock and Mineral Magnetism, Blackie, Glasgow, pp. 120-125”].
Journal Reference: [e.g., Menyeh, A. and O’Reilly, W. (1991). The magnetization process in monoclinic pyrrhotite particles containing few domains, Geophysical Journal International, 104, 387-399]. Names of periodicals should be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. However, if in doubt, the full name of the journal should be given. The above journal, for example, should be abbreviated as: Geophys. J. Int.
Conference Proceedings: [e.g. Ofosu-Asiedu, A. (1997). “The Wood Industry and the Environment”. In: A. Menyeh, S. Osafo Acquaah and W. O. Ellis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference, Kumasi, 4th August, 1997, pp.19-34].
Reference from a book edited by one or more persons [e.g., Kullerud, G. (1971). “Experimental techniques in dry sulfide research”. In: G. C. Ulmer (Ed.), Research techniques” for high pressure and high temperature, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp.288-315].
The maximum size for a Table should be 150 mm x 200 mm and it should be without an outside border as well as lines for row and column entries. However, only headings for the columns should be enclosed between top and bottom borders: Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text [e.g., (Table 1)]. The titles should be typed on top in Boldface [e.g., Table 1. Variation of Temperature with…]. Indicate in pencil in the right-hand margin, the desired location of Tables.
S.I. units should be used throughout the text. Use negative indices instead of / and leave a space between numbers and symbols [e.g. 1.5 m s-1, not 1.5 ms-1 or 1.5 m/s]
Equations should be typed in Math. Mode [i.e. z = ax + by]. If there are more than one equations, they should be numbered consecutively [e.g. z = ax + by … (1)]. For clarity, indicate in words, in the right-hand margin, the name of any Greek symbol the first time it is used in the text.
Each manuscript will be refereed by at least two reviewers.
Proofs will be sent to authors. They must be returned quickly to ensure a high speed of publication.
Registration Fee | Members
(GH¢) |
Non Members
(GH¢) |
Members (GH¢) |
Student (Non-
Members) (GH¢) |
On/before 1st July 2019 | 300.00 | 400.00 | 100.00 | 150.00 |
After 1st July 2019 | 350.00 | 450.00 |
NB: These fees cover lunch, snacks and Conference materials only.
Please note that fees once paid are not refundable.
The detailed programme of activities would be included in the second announcement
A list of some hotels and room rates would be included in the second announcement. Please note that accommodation would not be arranged for participants.
Please send all enquiries to: –
The Scientific Coordinator,
Ghana Science Association,
P.O. Box LG 7, Legon
Tel: 0302732605, 0244876965, 0244986310
Email: gsasecretariat@gmail.com