Upcoming Meeting of the GSA Accra Branch
The Accra Branch of the Ghana Science Association will be meeting to discuss an exciting line up of activities for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year and this is your opportunity to get involved. Come let’s discuss creating a video series to celebrate our various professions, a workshop for science teachers and many more.
We encourage all institutional reps to inform and bring along GSA members from your institution to this branch wide meeting.
Date: Wednesday 30th July 2018
Venue: Noguchi Conference Hall
Time: 2-4pm
Five Reasons you should attend the Branch meeting
1. Take part in a trans-generational conversation
2. Sign up to feature in the GSA documentary
3. Register to attend the national workshop in Kumasi
4. Have your say about regional matters and our calendar of events
5. Network with branch members from other institutions
We look forward to welcoming you tomorrow
Expect to see many familiar faces and we will be specially inviting selected bastions from the history of the Ghana Science Association who many of us may have studied under at one point in time or the other. Stay tuned for more details.
Let’s help make the Ghana Science Association great again!
Kind regards
GSA Accra Branch Secretariat
Show off what you doFrom conversations about climate change to the Fall Army Worm invasion and GMOs, we have had many conversations on The Horizon. You can get involved by simply replying to this email. |
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